I had a busy day on Saturday. It started with being at my sons’ swimming competition and then went to a medical outreach. At the end of the day, I felt I deserved some scotch and coke on the rocks. As I sat there holding the glass, my mind went through my day wondering whether the day’s life trade was profitable or beneficial to me. Your life is like the money in your wallet and the world like your market place.

In the same way you spend the money in your wallet in exchange for items, holidays, food, education, medical services, etc., you also spend your life in exchange for whatever you desire. If you spend 6 hours of your time today watching Netflix, playing golf, meditating, learning something new, fighting, being bitter or being sad, that is exactly what you have traded your life for during that time and constitutes part of your day’s life trade. Whether intentional or inadvertent, the trade goes on.

If you want to live an exceptional or passionate or purposeful life, you must take control of the way you manage your life’s daily trade. You must be intentional about it and firmly move from the passenger seat into the driver seat of your life. This gives you power over your life and your narrative. You are the hero of your life story and the Nobel Laureate of your life. Trade your life accordingly.

“Most people, even though they don’t know it, are asleep. They’re born asleep, they live asleep, they marry in their sleep, they breed children in their sleep, they die in their sleep without ever waking up.”

~ Anthony de Mello

© Dr. Mirian Kene, 2022
MD, Unleash Academy

Ps. You can follow me on all social media platforms @drmiriankene or visit my coaching website

unleashacademy #coaching #mentoring #transformation

12 thoughts on “TRADING LIFE”

  1. This piece has really resonated with me in a different way.
    A concept or approach to the way we live our lives so simple but profound … intentionality and accountability in a different form ! Thank you for this 🙏🏾

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed the read and have promptly forwarded to my family forum.
    It is so very true and enlightening.
    So this is me getting up to take the drivers sit of my life and encouraging my family and friends to do so too.

    1. Whether intentional or inadvertent, the trade goes on! So true. Nice one @ Dr. Mims. 👍Being in the drivers seat of one’s life take a lot of composure and faith. We shall keep pushing for the best in the trade off💪🏼✅

  3. Maryann Ije Nwizu

    Thanks, Mims, for buttressing this important life’s lesson. Thank you for sharing this piece of your self appraisal… very much in line with the message of Unleash.
    I will certainly share this and reflect more on one’s mundane daily activities and recognise them as ‘trading ‘ opportunities in this life.

  4. Mimz, I must applaud your dedication and commitment to lifting up others. It’s remarkable how you do it effortlessly with such enthusiasm. Thank you for this well written wonderful article.

  5. Ogochukwu UGBOMA

    Interesting read. My best part was the Anthony de Mello quote. But the whole idea is to trade life intentionally for things that matter to us. It’s not a one-size-fits-all trade

  6. Definitely resonates with me! Comes with a great deal of self awareness! I’ll read it over and over again as a reminder to ensure my daily life trade is profitable in every respect i.e. physically, spiritually, emotionally etc. A massive thanks to you for sharing this.

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